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Over 40 million people in the United States either already have osteoporosis or are at high risk for developing osteoporosis due to low bone mass, which can lead to bone fractures. Maybe you are one of them.

Nobody expects to break a bone. But when one snaps, everything changes. A break may mean doctors' appointments, x-rays, a cast, or even surgery, physical therapy, and months of limited mobility. And if you're over 40, you may also worry that this fracture will be just the first of many to come.


What you fear is osteoporosis, the disease that leaves bones brittle and prone to fractures. It often occurs in the first few years after menopause, when bone loss accelerates due to dropping estrogen levels. A matrix of minerals, bone is constantly broken down and rebuilt by the body at a microscopic level: If the breakdown consistently exceeds the buildup, bones lose density.

​​3 Substances You Never Knew that Can Reverse Osteoporosis

1. Fulvic acid - Substance Vital to Human Health!

Here are the 3 things that can stop or reverse the problem:

As you know, there four key minerals that are essential for good health — calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Unfortunately, the typical foods and supplements in most supermarkets simply can’t provide the quantity and quality of minerals our bodies need to be strong and healthy. The epidemic of osteoporosis and osteopenia in America even among women who religiously take bone-building supplements is a perfect example.


"Calcium supplements we know cause calcification, they contain spores of calcium-forming organisms and it's time to get rid of them. They have nothing to do with building bone density and they age us prematurely and cause aches and pains."

- David Wolfe


Minerals chelated to fulvic acid are very good at getting all the way into cells. But it’s important that the quality of the fulvic acid compound is beyond reproach. While fulvic acid increases the availability of essential minerals, it also can increase the intake of some minerals that may be toxic. Therefore, it’s crucial to find fulvic acid mineral complexes that are extracted from pure, unpolluted sources and tested for toxic heavy metals. The Bulgarian Mumio (also known as Shilajit, Mumije, etc.), which is the main ingredient of BONE MATRIX supplement, is that pure source of Fulvic Acid. The primary active ingredients in Bulgarian Mumio are Fulvic Acids, Dibenzo Alpha Pyrones, Humins, Humic Acids, trace minerals, vitamins A, B, C and P (citrines), phospholipids and polyphenol complexes, terpenoids.


Fulvic acid supercharges absorption and expresses delivery to our cells of only ionic “cell-ready” mineral and nutrient complex components.  All working together to naturally and effectively help maintain or help rebuild bone density to help prevent the fractures caused by osteoporosis – so bones are healthier and stronger.


"... this is probably shocking news to everybody listening right now because we have heard it over and over and over again that we need calcium to build strong bones - yet, the scientific research shows otherwise. The more calcium that we take, the more calcified we become and the quicker we retire from this earth and more aches and pains we experience along the way. The calcium theory has probably done more to damage our health than any single theory in the history of humanity."

- David Wolfe


It is known even during the 21st century that fulvic acid fromMumio is a far more superior than any other sources available. A sufficient amount of fulvic acid found in Natural Bulgarian Mumio helps speed up the penetration of the cell walls, which is essential for the absorption of minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, etc). Therefore, fulvic acid is essential if one wants to start reversing osteoporosis.


The main ingredient in BONE MATRIX is Bulgarian Natural Mumio.

2. Vitamin B12 – Essential for Your Bone Health!

Low levels of vitamin B-12 in your body may have a negative impact on your bone health.

Vitamin B-12 is a water-soluble vitamin commonly bound to the protein in foods. It's essential for many body processes, including red blood cells production, which are formed in the bone marrow, DNA synthesis, which is the genetic material found in all cells in the body, including bone cells. Hydrochloric acid, protease enzymes and a compound called intrinsic factor present in your gastric digestive secretions are needed in order to unbind the B-12 from protein in food so your body can absorb it.

What is Fulvic acid and what it does?

This naturally occurring substance has been around for over 75 million years and yet the tremendous benefits of it are only now (this past decade) beginning to be understood. Fulvic acid is rather, a complex compound that can attract and hold both negatively and positively charged ions. As such, it can bond and hold ionized minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc, incorporating them into its own molecular structure. This creates a new fulvic acid — multimineral compound that plants, animals, and humans can easily digest, absorb, and utilize to support vibrant health.

The researchers suggested that lack of vitamin B12 may interfere with growth signaling in the liver and its "downstream effect" on the osteoblasts. Studies from the US Framingham trial show nearly two-fifths of the US population may have suboptimal blood levels of vitamin B12. And the criteria they use to make this assessment is 6-700 pg/ml, so it may be the majority of people who are vitamin B12 deficient.

Even though vitamin B12 is water-soluble, it doesn't exit your body quickly in your urine like other water-soluble vitamins. Instead, B12 is stored in your liver, kidneys, and other body tissues. As a result, a deficiency may not show itself until up to seven years later, and by this time damage to your bones may have already set in.


Research published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) revealed that mice deficient in vitamin B12 have growth retardation and fewer osteoblasts (cells responsible for bone formation).

Recent research also suggests low vitamin B12 status may increase the risk for bone fractures in older men. This risk remained even after taking into account other important factors such as smoking, vitamin D status, and calcium intake.


Older women with low levels of vitamin B12 (below 208 pg/ml) also experienced significantly more rapid hip bone loss – a sign of osteoporosis – than women with higher levels of B12 in a separate study.

Indeed, a meta-analysis found that raising vitamin B12 levels in older individuals lead to a reduction in fracture risk. Vitamin B12 is often overlooked. However, keep in mind that even if you do eat animal foods, a supplement can be beneficial if your body's ability to absorb the vitamin from food is compromised, which is especially prevalent as you age.

When you get older, the lining of your stomach gradually loses its ability to produce hydrochloric acid (the stomach acid suppressed by proton pump inhibitors), which releases vitamin B12 from your food. If you're over 50, it's safe to assume you are not absorbing vitamin B12 at an optimal level.

That’s why we enriched BONE MATRIX with 2.5 mcg of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is the largest vitamin molecule known. Because of its large size, it is not easily absorbed passively like most supplements. This is why many, if not most, oral B12 supplements are grossly ineffective. And here comes to the aid fulvic acid. It helps distribution and full absorption of vitamin B12.

What Else Do You Risk by Not Getting Enough Vitamin B12?Your risk of fracture might increase, but that's not all. Some of the initial signs of B12 deficiency will often include mood changes, such as lack of motivation or feelings of apathy. Low levels can also lead to mental fogginess, memory troubles, muscle weakness, and — one of the hallmark signs — fatigue.


In BONE MATRIX, we added extra Vitamin B12 for your bone health.

​3. Testosterone and its Role in Women

Testosterone does play a role in women, though. Healthy testosterone levels help a woman.

It may surprise you to know that men don't have a monopoly on testosterone. Testosterone belongs to a class of male hormones called androgens. But women also have testosterone. In fact, a healthy young woman produces 300 micrograms of testosterone per day.

The ovaries produce both testosterone and estrogen. Relatively small quantities of testosterone are released into your bloodstream by the ovaries and adrenal glands. In addition to being produced by the ovaries, estrogen is also produced by the body's fat tissue. These sex hormones are involved in the growth, maintenance, and repair of reproductive tissues. But that's not all. They also influence other body tissues and bone mass.​


The amount and levels of hormones change daily. The sex hormones, estrogen, and testosterone are secreted in short bursts - pulses - which vary from hour to hour, and even minute to minute. Hormone release varies between night and day and from one stage of the menstrual cycle to another.

At menopause, women experience a decline in testosterone. That decline may be correlated to a reduced libido. According to research in the journal Pain, women who take birth control pills and have levels of testosterone that are out of balance with levels of estrogen might have less ability to manage their pain response.

In BONE MATRIX, we added dry extract of Tribulus Terrestris for restoring hormonal balance. It supports the production of testosterone in men and testosterone and estrogen in women.

The correct balance of testosterone furthers and supports the growth and strength of healthy bones while too much or too little can harm bones. Testosterone replacement after menopause could help some women maintain healthy bones.

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